Verrottung und Kompostierung

Rotting/composting of natural plastic

The life cycle of bioplastics

There are several options for recycling NaKu products at the end of their life cycle. The natural plastic is biodegradable. This means that it is compostable according to the DIN standard EN 13432 and thus meets the requirement of becoming biogenic mass again within 90 days. But natural plastic is also combustible and recyclable, which means it can be reused in the production of other products.

All materials used and therefore all NaKu products are biodegradable. The natural plastic decomposes completely into organic basic substances (H2O, CO2, biomass). How long the decomposition takes depends primarily on the wall thickness of the bioplastic and the composting (heat, moisture, bacteria, fungi,…).

As an example, you can take a closer look at the NaKu fresh-keeping bag:
In einer industrial composting plant optimal conditions for decomposition prevail. There it always has approx. 60°C. There are many bacteria that decompose biodegradable plastics. The compost is also turned over regularly. Under these conditions, the rotting process of the NaKu bag takes about 3-5 days.
In a agricultural compost on the other hand, which is overturned at regular intervals, it lasts in warm weather 9-12 weeks until our NaKu bags have rotted away.

Even the biodegradable NaKu bag should not be thrown away carelessly. Should the NaKu bags actually be left lying on the side of the road or in the forest, nature will have to rely on itself. However, due to wind, sunshine, rain and bacteria, the bag is broken down in about a year. Of course, this is not ideal either, but it is definitely better than with conventional plastic objects. Conventional plastic is neither biodegradable nor can it rot. It only breaks down into smaller and smaller parts after several decades. So the problem is still there, but so chopped up that you can’t see it. If conventional plastic ends up in the sea, it is eaten as supposed plankton by fish or seabirds, which then starve to death with literally full stomachs.

Nevertheless: Our biodegradable food storage bag shouldn’t just be thrown away carelessly either!