NaKu wins the Energy Globe Austria in the category Earth
NaKu wins the Energy Globe Austria in the category Earth
NaKu wurde beim Energy Globe Austria als Sieger in der Kategorie Erde prämiert und ist auch für den 22. Energy Globe World Award nominiert!
Johann Zimmermann and Ute Zimmermann: NaKu won the Energy Globe Award Austria in the category earth with the NaKu organic plant bag made from biopolymers

Prizes and awards for the NaKu bioplastic products

“Award-winning” bioplastic products from NaKu

NaKu has received several awards for its bioplastic products in recent years.

Of course, we are very proud of the many awards and prizes that we have received in recent years.

After the Innovation Award of the State of Lower Austria, the ÖGUT Environmental Award, the GENIUS Award, TRIGOS Lower Austria, DAPHNE Environmental Award, the CLUSTERLAND Awards, and many more. winning the Energy Globe Austria in the soil category is certainly the highlight. At the Energy Globe, the NaKu organic plant bag was also nominated for the Energy Globe World Award.

Here you can see a selection of prizes and awards for our bioplastic products

Energy Globe Award Austria Kategorie Erde NaKu Bio-Pflanzsack aus Biokunststoff

Energy Globe Award Austria in the Earth category

NaKu Innovationspreis des Landes Niederösterreich 2021

Innovation prize of Lower Austria

NaKu ÖGUT Umweltpreis 2015 für zukunftsfähigen Materialeinsatz in der Produktion

ÖGUT environmental award

Preisträger 2008 Genius Awards NaKu Bio-Frischhaltebeutel aus Maisstärke


NaKu TRIGOS 2012 Nominierung in der Kategorie Markt

TRIGOS Lower Austria

NaKu Daphne Umwelttechnologiepreis für die PLA-Flasche

DAPHNE environmental technology award

Urkunde NaKu offizieller klimaaktiv Partner seit 2011

klima:aktiv langjährige Partnerschaft

NaKu Clusterland Award 2017 Stop Waste - Save Food

CLUSTERLAND AWARD Stop Waste – Save Food