Das NaKu Kunststoffkreuz

Natural polymers – the NaKu plastic cross

The different definitions for plastics

The term “bioplastic” is very broad. There is still no uniform definition for it. All products that either have a renewable content, i.e. consist of renewable raw materials, or are biodegradable can be referred to as bioplastics. This means that even a PVC with only 20% renewable content can be called bioplastic. That is why there are a wide variety of forms of bioplastics with different properties – the NaKu plastic cross gives you an overview here (see graphic).

The natural plastic (NaKu) combines both requirements. NaKu products consist exclusively of renewable raw materials or completely degradable substances AND are biodegradable.

Modern technology enables the production of various bioplastics. These consist of plants from local agriculture such as potatoes, corn or grain. Bio-based plastics obtained in this way are very similar to conventional materials. They can be processed with the same technologies and machines.

The crucial difference, however, is that if our natural plastic is exposed to a combination of sun, moisture and bacteria over a long period of time, it will decompose completely. In this way, NaKu products made of natural plastic can be disposed of with household waste or composted after use. Nevertheless, our 100% biodegradable products should not simply be thrown away carelessly. Waste thus remains in the generation that caused it!

NaKu has set itself the goal of using this environmentally friendly and resource-saving technology of bioplastics in order to create everyday products of a high development standard. Natural plastic can therefore be used by everyone.

Areas of application:
Natural plastics are used in a variety of industrial applications due to their good degradability and high biocompatibility. Especially products of daily life with a shorter service life are ideal. The use of natural plastics ranges from bottles, shopping bags, foil, cups, party crockery, disposable products, hygiene items, self-dissolving suture threads, fruit, vegetable and bread packaging to children’s and baby equipment.