NaKu wurde beim Energy Globe Austria als Sieger in der Kategorie Erde prämiert und ist auch für den 22. Energy Globe World Award nominiert!

NaKu wins Energy Globe Award Austria in the category Earth

NaKu was awarded as the winner in the Earth category at the Energy Globe Austria and is also nominated for the 22nd Energy Globe World Award!

The organic planting bag specially developed by NaKu for the Kenyan reforestation project “Books for Trees” by HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn was awarded at the Energy Globe Austria in the Earth category – NaKu wins the Energy Globe Award Austria in the Earth category!

Thanks to HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn’s “Books for Trees” reforestation project, forests in Kenya are being reforested to prevent further land erosion due to previous deforestation. Due to the plastic ban in Kenya, the continuation of this reforestation project was about to end.

So the challenge for NaKu was to develop a sustainable and cost-effective plant bag solution based on bioplastics in the shortest possible time. Together with the HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn, we have developed a plant bag made of bioplastics, which ensures a permanent water supply for the roots and thus optimizes the growth of the plants. The bioplastic plant bag rots after a short time without leaving any microplastics. Different formulations, geometries, thicknesses were tested for optimal growth and easy handling.

The newly developed organic plant bag is now being tested on a large scale in different climate zones in Kenya. The first 30.000 trees are already being planted in Kenya in NaKu planting bags! The handling of the organic plant bag is very easy, there are also no work steps that are necessary with plant bags made of conventional plastic. This makes work a lot easier.

Furthermore, the costs of the organic planting bag are extremely low, it only takes 2 € for 100 trees. Even with a smaller budget, a very large number of trees can be planted.

Johann Zimmermann, Managing Director of NaKu, calls out: “Let’s plant trees! Trees are the basis of our survival.”

v.l.n.r. Johann & Ute Zimmermann (NaKu), DI Prof. Wagenknecht (HBLFA  Gartenbau Schönbrunn)

fltr Johann & Ute Zimmermann (NaKu), DI Prof. Wagenknecht (HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn)

Nominated for the 22nd Energy Globe World Award

Of course, we are particularly proud of the nomination for the 22nd Energy Globe World Award in the Earth category. After all, we were selected here by the international jury from all 5 continents, chaired by Maneka Gandhi, from a total of around 3000 submissions from more than 180 countries.

The award ceremony will take place during the World Climate Conference in Glasgow on November 8, 2021.