The NaKu projects made of biopolymers
The NaKu projects made of biopolymers
The NaKu projects made of biopolymers
Naturally. Renewable. Compostable. Recyclable.

Check out a selection of our previous ones
Product projects and packaging projects made of bioplastics!

A green option for those who don’t want to wrap in plastic and petroleum.

Pflanzenbasierte Rohstoffe

Made from renewable raw materials.

Garantiert frei von Schadstoffen

Guaranteed free from harmful substances.


Recyclable and also compostable! Our NaKu cycle speaks for itself.


Individual solutions with many advantages.

We also realize your packaging project & product project from our bioplastic

Take a look at a selection of our previous customer projects or individual projects below.

Organic packaging – replacement cartridge for the natural cosmetic cream from freemee cosmetics

Johann Zimmermann mit der Wechselkartusche
aus Biokunststoff für Naturkosmetik
Johann Zimmermann with the replacement cartridge
made of bioplastics for natural cosmetics
Die Wechselkartusche aus Biokunststoff für den Naturcreme-Tiegel von freemee cosmetics
The exchangeable cartridge made of bioplastic for the
Natural cream jar from freemee cosmetics

It’s time!
The natural cosmetics from freemee cosmetics reusable are now available!

Now many people may be wondering what NaKu has to do with it? The interchangeable cartridge made of bioplastic – which contains the natural cream – is inserted into the freemee cosmetics cream jar made of fine wood and glass. If the cream is empty, the bioplastic cartridge is simply replaced.

We are moving here in the luxury segment and therefore all components of the bioplastic exchangeable cartridge must be perfectly coordinated and easy to handle. This applies in particular to those components that move within the cartridge or must also seal during movement.

Originally it was planned to manufacture the five individual components of the bioplastic exchangeable cartridge from one material. However, since the requirements for the individual components are very different, we came to the conclusion in the course of product development and test runs to use three different bioplastic
use material variations.

Hannah and Patrick from freemee cosmetics take great care to ensure that only decomposable and renewable raw materials are used for their natural cosmetics. Their goal is not to put any waste into the world that cannot be released back into nature. Therefore, the cream jar and packaging are 100% decomposable, recyclable and 99,9% drainable.

The goal of freemee cosmetics to save as much waste as possible can also be achieved with this system. Because with the system of the replaceable bioplastic cartridge, up to 75% waste can be saved compared to other cosmetic packaging.

Organic plant bag made of bioplastic for the Schönbrunn Horticultural School for the “Books for trees” reforestation project in Kenya

NaKu Bio-Pflanzsack aus Biokunststoff für das Aufforstungsprojekt in Kenia
NaKu organic plant bag made of bioplastic for the
Reforestation project in Kenya
NaKu Bio-Pflanzensack aus Biokunststoff. Kompostierbar & recyclebar.
The use of the NaKu organic planting bag made from bioplastics

The Schönbrunn Horticultural School is leading a reforestation project in Kenya (Book for Trees). Up until 2017, polyethylene bags were used to grow the trees and then removed from the root ball before planting. Since the plastic problem has become a serious problem in Kenya, the government issued a very strict plastic ban from 2017.

We have therefore developed our own bags for the project, which are made of natural plastic and are biodegradable. This saved the project. In the course of a diploma thesis by two school students, we even found out that the NaKu plant bag has a number of other advantages. It can be used together with the plant and, among other things, retains enough water to ensure that the roots are permanently moist. This promotes plant growth.

Book For Trees >

The challenges of product development

So the challenge for NaKu was to develop a sustainable and cost-effective plant bag solution based on bioplastics in the shortest possible time.

The bioplastic plant bag rots after a short time without leaving any microplastics. Different formulations, geometries, thicknesses were tested for optimal growth and easy handling.

The newly developed organic plant bag is now being tested on a large scale in different climate zones in Kenya. The first 30.000 trees are already being planted in Kenya in NaKu planting bags! The handling of the organic plant bag is very easy, there are also no work steps that are necessary with plant bags made of conventional plastic. This makes work a lot easier.

The organic plant bag was awarded at the Energy Globe Austria in the soil category – NaKu wins the Energy Globe Award Austria in the soil category!

Of course, we are also particularly proud of the nomination for the 22nd Energy Globe World Award in the Earth category. After all, we were selected here by the international jury from all 5 continents, chaired by Maneka Gandhi, from a total of around 3.000 submissions from more than 180 countries.

NaKu gewinnt den Energy Globe Austria in der Kategorie Erde

Attention ants – ants made of bioplastics for an art project by Julia Bugram

Umsetzung des Kunstprojektes mit Biokunststoff
Ants made of bioplastics in micro-injection molding
Das Kunstprojekt aus Biokunststoff
Ants made of bioplastics for the art project “Attention Ants” by artist Julia Bugram

An art project by the artist Julia Bugram based on the motto “Community to function – together we are more!”

Our colorful ants made of natural plastic support the vision of starting a conversation about art and creating something new as a community: because people, places and memories connect!

Julia Bugram’s ant project is an art project that takes place in public space. Children stick ants made of bioplastics on school paths, squares, etc. in order to explore public space. So that the ants do not cause any environmental pollution when exposed to the weather, they are made of bioplastics.

Why is NaKu making ants out of bioplastics?

NaKu generally manufactures special projects from bioplastics for customers. This is the third pillar of NaKu. Here we provide children’s toys, special packaging for natural cosmetics and much more. here. As standard, NaKu produces foils and bags as well as bottles and cans made of bioplastics. NaKu has been dealing with bioplastics for more than 15 years and has acquired a lot of know-how in this area over the years.

More about Julia Bugram >

What time is it? Packaging and product solutions for the company Hirsch Watches

Hirsch Uhren und NaKu Biokunststoff
Bioplastic packaging solutions

In cooperation with the Hirsch company, a wide variety of packaging and product solutions in the watch sector were developed.

More about Hirsch Uhren >

Organic pacifier company MAM

Schnullerverpackung aus natürlichem Kunststoff
Individual packaging solution made of bioplastics

Our natural plastic is very versatile – products in the baby area are also possible! That’s why we made pacifiers out of natural plastic for MAM.

This plant-based pacifier is therefore free of harmful substances and without genetic engineering. Ideal for babies who are particularly sensitive to harmful substances.

More about MAM >

Your idea – our joint (packaging) project made of bioplastics

Bei der Produktion von Pre-Forms für Flaschen aus Biokunststoff
In the production of pre-forms for bottles made from bioplastics
Qualitätskontrolle bei der Produktion von Pre-Forms für PLA-Flaschen/Flaschen aus Biokunststoff
Quality control in the production of pre-forms for PLA bottles/bottles made from bioplastics

We also realize your project from our bioplastic!

As you can see from the example of the replacement cartridge made of bioplastics for the freemee cosmetics cream jar, very complex components or a complex interaction of individual components made of bioplastics are also possible..

You can see from the ant project that even very small components can be made from bioplastics. However, the production itself is often not as easy as one might imagine.

Why isn’t it that simple? Well, in the field of bioplastics one is of the
Material selection is currently (still) more limited than is the case with conventional plastics. With our know-how, however, a great deal is possible.

Do you have a project that you made from bioplastics?
want to have realized?

Then join us right away Contact on!
